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Termas El Corazón, Los Andes, Chile

May 9-11, 2022

Chilean Scientific Community Workshop



 The Chilean subduction zone has been identified as the possible site of a decade-long research effort that would involves comprehensive suites of new offshore and onshore instrumental measurements to study processes underlying geohazardous phenomena in both space and time.

We announce an NSF-supported 3-day workshop (May 9- 11, 2022) at Hotel Termas El Corazón (close to Santiago) and invite the Chilean geoscience community to participate in this event. The main goal of the workshop is to gain input from Chilean scientists on the draft implementation plan, to develop understanding of current and planned scientific efforts by Chilean scientists and their collaborators, and to identify key scientific knowledge gaps in understanding Chilean geohazards. This discussion is aimed at developing and refining the SZ4D Implementation Plan in collaboration with the Chilean geoscience community, and will serve to identify, and potentially close, gaps between subduction zone science and strategies for disaster risk reduction in Chile. The meeting will be preceded by an Early-Career Investigator symposium on Monday May 9.

The workshop will include 10 scientists from the USA (representing the SZ4D Initiative) and ~60 Chilean participants, 20% of which will be early-career scientists (PhD students and postdoctoral researchers). Transportation, lodging and meals for all invited participants will be covered by the SZ4D Initiative. The workshop agenda will include presentations and guided conversations. In order to facilitate the discussion, this will be a hybrid English/Spanish meeting.

If you are interested in participating in this workshop, please read the executive summary of the Implementation Plan and complete this form no later than April 1st (applications are now closed). Based on the information collected from each applicant, the Steering Committee of SZ4D (with the advice of the local organizing committee) will select the workshop participants and  communicate invitations around April 14th.

We hope to meet you soon in Termas El Corazón!

Organizing Committee


Alvaro Amigo Ramos (Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería)

Sergio Barrientos (Centro Sismológico Nacional, Universidad de Chile)

Andrés Tassara (Universidad de Concepción)

Laura Bono Troncoso (Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería)

Emily Brodsky (University of California Santa Cruz, SZ4D)

Mike Brudzinski (Miami University, SZ4D)

Anaïs Férot (University of California Santa Cruz, SZ4D)

George Hilley (Stanford University, SZ4D)

Diana Roman (Carnegie Institution for Science, SZ4D)

Harold Tobin (University of Washington, SZ4D)



Lightning Talks - slides

Thunder Talks - slides

Breakout Sessions


Links & Documents




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