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University of South Carolina

United States

Principal Investigator

Daniel Frost

Research Interests

Global seismology and Earth interior structure. My general research question is what is inside the Earth and what does it do. I use information in seismic waves to determine structure, material properties, and dynamics. I have a focus on broadband seismology and also array methods. Recent projects include: the fate of subducted slabs, layering in the outer core, the growth and composition of the inner core, and understanding the effects of crust and mantle structure on studies of the deep Earth.

I greatly enjoy mentoring students. My goal is to train a student to become and independent researcher, and to provide already independent researchers with an environment to test and develop their skills. I consider my mentees being successful as me being successful, so I am strongly invested in their growth.

Proposed Hosting Period

Any time throughout 2025.

Exchange Language

English, my current graduate student is Chilean and speaks Spanish and English


Lab space, computational resources, HPC computational resources

Host Contact

Daniel Frost

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