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Montana State University

United States

Principal Investigator

Madison Myers & Behnaz Hosseini

Research Interests

Our research group studies volcanic deposits, typically from explosive eruptions, to understand where magmas were stored in the crust, what triggered them to unrest, the timescales of magma ascent, and how long the eruption proceeded (time gaps?). Our group is extremely supportive, meeting frequently to help each other learn new skills (grant writing, lab techniques, figure making, etc.). Next summer, during when this exchange would be occurring, we will be hosting several undergraduates from around the country to complete mini research projects, so there would be a lot of energy during this visit.

Proposed Hosting Period

June or July 2025

Exchange Language



I currently run a Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy lab (FTIR) that can measure H2O and CO2 in glasses, and water in minerals, which can be used to restore where magmas reside in the crust, and restore volatile profiles to calculate magma ascent. We also have access to a Scanning Electron Microscope for imaging bubbles, mineral zoning, microlite distribution, etc. A newly installed Laser-Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer allows us to also measure trace elements and isotopes in glasses and minerals.

Host Contact

Madison Myers & Behnaz Hosseini

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