Workshop Objectives
Develop prioritized recommendations to SZ4D and USGS leadership
The workshop will focus on developing prioritized recommendations to SZ4D and USGS leadership. Recommendations will highlight collaborative goals and activities relevant to integrated subduction zone science and hazards in Alaska and Cascadia, and their comparisons and complementarity to those in Chile.
Joan Gomberg (US Geological Survey)
Erin Wirth (US Geological Survey)
Janet Watt (US Geological Survey)
alex grant (US Geological Survey)
Mike Brudzinski (Miami University)
Magali Billen (UC Davis)
Part 1 - Setting the stage
2:00-2:05 PM | Welcome and goals of the workshop - Magali Billen
2:05-2:20 PM | Demystifying collaborating with USGS scientists - Janet Watt
2:20-2:35 PM | Overview of SZ4D Ideas for Comparative Science in Cascadia and Alaska, linkages to Chilean science and hazards - Magali Billen
2:35-2:50 PM | Overview of critical needs at USGS and what USGS and SZ4D can offer one another - Joan Gomberg
2:50-3:10 PM | Break
Part 2 - breakout sessions and discussions
3:10-3:55 PM | Breakout Session: Ideas for SZ4D-USGS collaborations and prioritization of recommendations
4:00-4:45 PM | Breakout Session: Report back and discussion
4:45-5:00 PM | Wrap-up
Meeting adjourned
SZ4D mini-workshops are free of charge and open to all. Registration for the AGU Fall Meeting is not required. This workshop is co-sponsored by the US Geological Survey.