Get involved

SZ4D offers a wide range of options to get involved in the initiative.
We hope you will volunteer!
Important Dates
Applications to volunteer open at any time
Review and selection process for 2024-2025 slates will start in May
Selected volunteers are invited to confirm their participation in June
Term starts in the Fall
During the 2024-2025 academic year, a significant focus of SZ4D will be the development of the MultiArray infrastructure in preparation for a major proposal in spring 2025. Additionally, SZ4D committees aim to ensure that the scientific activities outlined in the Implementation Plan progress in parallel with the proposed infrastructure. SZ4D volunteer roles should be seen as service to and on behalf of the community.
If you're interested in getting involved, please fill out this form to indicate your interest in serving. You can also nominate someone for committee membership. Nominations and recommendations will be compiled by the Committee on Committees, which will develop a slate of potential candidates for each of the committees described below. The Committee on Committee ensures that equity, inclusion, and a diversity of viewpoints are integrated into the SZ4D. The proposed slate will then be reviewed by the SZ4D Center Steering Committee for approval.
Thank you for your interest in serving on SZ4D Committees!
Working & Integrative Groups
If you are interested in volunteering your service for the effort but have limited time and capacity, you might consider volunteering for one of our disciplinary working groups or integrative groups. The disciplinary working groups are consulted to provide scientific input and expertise on SZ4D initiatives (Land- and Seascapes, Magmatic Drivers of Eruption, and Faulting and Earthquake Cycles), while the integrative groups focus on Building Equity and Capacity with Geoscience and the Modeling Collaboratory for Subduction efforts. These groups typically have standing meetings scheduled once every two weeks but may meet less frequently during quieter periods. The specific charges of the working and integrative groups will vary depending on the current needs of the SZ4D organization at any given time and will include:
Providing perspective and insight into the needs of the broader scientific community in the direction of SZ4D efforts.
Providing feedback on SZ4D proposals and grants for infrastructure, scientific activities, and community engagement.
Catalyzing the community to submit proposals that align with the SZ4D vision.
Collective Impact Committee
The Collective Impact Committee ensures that SZ4D activities remain aligned with the long-term goals of the initiative by providing guidance and feedback to the Executive Committee and the Steering Committee. The group develops activities and tools to support engagement of the broader scientific community, ensuring effective coordination and communication across the initiative. If you are interested and able to dedicate time in the SZ4D effort, this might be an exciting opportunity for you to help guide SZ4D in balancing the needs of its disciplinary and cross-cutting priorities. This group typically meets every two weeks.
The Operational Planning Committees for activities (OPC-A) and infrastructure (OPC-I) are responsible for the development and coordination of the actual SZ4D deployments. So, if you are deeply interested in instrumentation and/or field campaigns, this committee is for you! This group typically meets every two weeks.
Center Steering Committee
If you're fully committed to SZ4D and eager to engage in its day-to-day operations, consider joining the Center Steering Committee. This committee plays a crucial role in advancing the project's goals, guided by directives from the Collective Impact Committee and deployment specifications provided by the Operations Planning Committees. By serving on the Steering Committee, you'll have the opportunity to deeply engage with SZ4D and work on behalf of your community, helping to realize the vision of SZ4D. This group typically meets every two weeks with additional asynchronous work in between.
Committee on Committees
Committee Members
Susan Beck | University of Arizona | | |
Matt Haney | US Geological Survey | | |
George Hilley* | Stanford | | |
Samer Naif* | Georgia Tech | | |
Joann Stock | Caltech | | |
*Committee Co-Chairs
The Committee on Committees (CoC) develops slates of candidates for the Standing and Steering Committees. It combines nominations from each committee, volunteers from the community, and scientists identified by the CoC’s own deliberations to ensure diversity balance by discipline, institution, and demographics. The CoC is empowered to adjust committee size as necessary to maximize participation in SZ4D.