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Steering Committee

Coordinates and oversees SZ4D activities

The Steering Committee (SC) coordinates and oversees all SZ4D activities. The SC is also charged with overseeing the general operations of SZ4D, including ensuring a suitable meeting calendar, effectively using the budget to forward SZ4D goals, and resolving competing objectives between committees. Major strategic decisions are brought to and made by the SC. All proposals committing SZ4D staff and facilities must be approved by the SC. The active SC approves committee and Working & Integrative Groups nominations provided by the CoC. The SC assigns liaisons to all other committees from the SC membership. 


The Steering Committee oversees the work of the SZ4D Center, guided by input from three working groups and two integrative groups plus the Operational and Collective Impact planning committees.​

SC Charge

Steering Committee Membership

Like all committees, the Steering Committee is populated by the Committee on Committees. Membership generally includes representatives from the major committees of SZ4D as well as the Executive Director, who will serve as chair.


The SC Chair is responsible for running SC meetings, serving as a point of contact for external partners and agencies, organizing and facilitating agenda-setting for SZ4D, and chairing the Executive Committee.

2023-2024 Steering Committee

*Steering Committee Members seating on ExCom

Current membership

Executive Committee

Charge of the Executive Committee

A subcommittee of SC serves as the Executive Committee (ExCom), which meets more frequently than the SC and curates information for SC decisions. The ExCom is charged with developing and coordinating strategies, responding to funding opportunities, and pursuing potential partnerships. ExCom and its members may also serve as points of contact with agencies and international partners as needed. During the transition period, the ExCom will initially retain its current membership and will institute staggered terms of three years to refresh its membership as SZ4D grows. The PI of the SZ4D Catalyst proposal retains ex officio roles as long as Center activities are covered under that grant. Future Center PI(s) would assume the same ex officio roles. 


The ExCom oversees the work of the SZ4D Center, guided by input from the three working groups and two integrative groups plus two planning committees.


Members of the ExCom communicate regularly with NSF and other agencies (e.g., NASA, USGS, NOAA) to coordinate needed resources that enable SZ4D activities.


For SZNet, the SZ4D Executive Committee is charged with organizing input and participation in all SZNet activities on behalf of their discipline. 


Chair | The SC Chair is responsible for chairing the Executive Committee.


Members | The Executive Committee will generally include representatives from the Standing Committees. As the SZ4D Initiative evolves, the correct balance of representation will be reevaluated by the Committee on Committees each year in consultation with the Steering Committee and other current committees.

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