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Indiana University Bloomington

United States

Project Description

Landscape response and records of interacting hazards in subduction zones.

Jose Luis Antinao and Brian Yanites invite students and early career scientists to advance understanding of geomorphic hazards associated with subduction zones. Projects could include evaluation of topography, Quaternary dating of landslide deposits and/or fluvial terraces, and/or numerical modeling of surface processes. Visiting scientists will be able to perform their own research using our facilities, and to participate in field and laboratory activities for our local projects to gain or improve skills on techniques used in subduction geology and hazards science.

Proposed Hosting Period



Computational resources are available in Yanites’s lab, which includes free access to Indiana University’s world-class supercomputing facilities. The Indiana Geologic and Water Survey has a Quaternary stratigraphy and sediment characterization lab, with sediment preparation and photography areas, a Malvern Laser Diffraction PSA instrumentation, portable XRF instrumentation, and an optically stimulated luminescence laboratory including dedicated sample preparation areas and an automated TL/OSL reader. Field equipment includes Ground Penetrating Radar instrumentation, shallow coring equipment, and a set of HVSR passive seismic instruments available to guide subsurface exploration of unconsolidated sediments.

Host Contact

Brian Yanites and Jose Luis

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