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University of Washington

United States

Project Description

Petrology and dehydration reactions and their correlation with earthquakes in Cascadia or Chile: Using PerpleX, the thermodynamic modelling software and thermal models of Cascadia and Chile, we can predict where dehydration reactions may occur in subducting material and directly compare these results to the locations of both intermediate depth earthquakes (IDEQs) and/or intraslab earthquakes (e.g., Nisqually type events in Cascadia). Dehydration reactions may cause dehydration embrittlement or elevated pore fluid pressures, both of which may trigger earthquakes in nearly critically stressed regions of subducting material. This would be an ideal study for someone interested in petrology, earthquakes, and/or the intersection of slip behaviors with fluid production. It aligns with SZ4D goals because the aim of this project is to directly investigate the the processes that can lead to destructive hazards like earthquakes in subduction zones.

Proposed Hosting Period

Fall 2024 (prefer October or November but September would work as well).


Intellectual resources exist for this student or early career scientist, as does space for them to sit, and support for them to learn the PerpleX modelling software and conduct research on either their own computer or a shared lab computer in Condit's research lab.

Host Contact

Cailey Condit

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