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Welcome New Committees

by Mike Brudzinski

Sep 20, 2022

The Steering Committee, Operations Planning Committee and Collective Impact Committee are now launched

The work of carrying SZ4D forward is currently being done by the SZ4D committees, which are being refreshed this fall. In our last newsletter, we asked for volunteers and were overwhelmed by the response. More than 200 members asked to serve on SZ4D committees. The Committee on Committees worked hard to place these volunteers. As discussed below, the Steering Committee, Operations Planning Committee and Collective Impact Committee are now launched. We expect the remaining committees to be complete by the end of the month. If you are not selected for a committee this time or missed the application deadline, don’t worry! We will rotate a third of each committee each year, so watch out next spring for the next call for volunteers. We are counting on your continued enthusiasm to keep SZ4D moving forward.

> Meet the new Committees

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