by the SZ4Grads Executive Committee
Mar 24, 2023
Connecting Early Career Researchers in Subduction Zone Science
Hello fans of subduction zones!
We have been riding the buzz and excitement around SZ4Grads created during the SZ4D Community Meeting in Houston, so here are some updates on what we have been up to as well as some upcoming activities.
We kicked off our 2023 Webinar Series with a DEI panel discussion joined by special guests Madeleine Lucas and Nicole Aikin from the University of Washington. Our upcoming 2023 Webinar Series, “International Voices in Subduction Zone Science” will feature talks highlighting the research of early-career scientists from the international community (early April, stay tuned).
We started a Book Club to facilitate discussion and provide another opportunity for people to engage across the community. You can join the club in Slack - we would love to hear from you!
Our topical session at GSA Connects 2023 entitled “New Voices in Subduction Zone Science” has been accepted. Be prepared to submit your abstract for the oral presentations and posters in May! The conference will take place october 15-18 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
We initiated a Chile/Argentina cohort connections with an awesome meeting! 45 participants attended the webinar and took part in a fruitful discussion centered on building strategies for the integration of South American graduate students and researchers into SZ4Grads and SZ4D-related research efforts.
we are continuing to highlight the work of early-career researchers on social media and slack Through our Researcher Spotlight,
Our SZ4Grads website is currently being revamped! Check the website for past and upcoming events, community resources and updates.
Are you interested in hiring a post-doc or looking for future grad students? have a good initiative for students/ECR, contact us and we will spread the word! You can tag us on Twitter/Mastodon or send us an email to sz4grads@sz4d.org
We also wanted to say thank you to everyone participating and helping with SZ4Grads!
If you want to join the community, please click here: https://linktr.ee/sz4grads