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Science Corner Dec 2024

by Noah Finnegan (UC Santa Cruz)

Dec 7, 2024

Seasonal slow slip in landslides as a window into the frictional rheology of creeping shear zones

Whether Earth materials exhibit frictional creep or catastrophic failure is a crucial but unresolved problem in predicting landslide and earthquake hazards. In this paper, we show that field-scale observations of sliding velocity and pore water pressure at two creeping landslides are explained by velocity-strengthening friction, in close agreement with laboratory measurements on similar materials. This suggests that the rate-strengthening friction commonly measured in clay-rich materials may govern episodic slow slip in landslides, in addition to tectonic faults. Further, our results show more generally that transient slow slip can arise in velocity-strengthening materials from modulation of effective normal stress through pore pressure fluctuations. This challenges the idea that episodic slow slip requires a narrow range of transitional frictional properties near the stability threshold, or pore pressure feedbacks operating on initially unstable frictional slip.

Finnegan, N.J., Saffer, D.M. (2024) Seasonal slow slip in landslides as a window into the frictional rheology of creeping shear zones. Science Advances, 10, 42.

Seasonal landslide slow slip events driven by pore fluid pressure. (A) Pore pressure perturbation, (C) extensometer displacement, (E) velocity, and (G) velocity as a function of estimated basal pore fluid pressure for Minor Creek earthflow from 1982 to 1986. (B) Pore pressure perturbation, (D) GPS-derived displacement, (F) GPS velocity calculated over an 11-day window, and (H) 11-day GPS velocity as a function of estimated basal pore pressure for Oak Ridge earthflow. The error bars represent the SE for the calculated velocity and the SD of the measured 11-day pore pressure in (B). The gray points represent those data points that were discarded in our analysis because either the estimated velocity was less than three times the SE on the velocity or where the SD on the pore pressure over 11 days was greater than 1 kPa, as described in detail in Materials and Methods.

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