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In-Person Workshop

AndesNet and SZ4D Scientific Community Workshop - Advancing Chilean Subduction Zone Science Together

June 14-16, 2023

Termas El Corazón, Chile

registration closed

Workshop Objectives

To develop a consensus recommendation from AndesNet to SZ4D regarding the geographic region of SZ4D instrumentation in Chile, and to develop a plan for priority AndesNet activities (e.g., analysis of instrumental data, geological work, modeling) under the SZ4D Implementation Plan.

SZ4D is a rapidly advancing initiative focused on creating a long-term, interdisciplinary, community-driven research program to explore the limits and possibilities of predicting geohazards.

AndesNet, a coordination network for Chilean subduction zone scientists, serves as a platform for investigators working to understand hazard-related natural processes associated with the dynamics of the Chilean subduction zone. As the natural counterpart to SZ4D, AndesNet is instrumental in fostering scientific collaboration between the U.S., Chilean, and Argentinean communities and in advancing geophysical instrumentation in the local subduction zone.

The Chilean subduction zone has been identified as a potential site for a decade-long research effort involving comprehensive offshore and onshore instrumental measurements to study geohazardous phenomena across space and time.

From June 12-14, 2023, an NSF-supported workshop was held at Hotel Termas El Corazón, near Santiago, Chile. This three-day event brought together the Chilean and Argentine geoscience community with the main goal of identifying optimal sites and sensing technologies for deployment across Chile, both inland and offshore. The workshop was preceded by an Early-Career Investigator symposium on June 12.

The workshop was attended by 83 people, including 63 scientists from the Chilean subduction-zone science community, 15 scientists representing SZ4D, and 5 representatives of the U.S. and Chilean governments. A significant portion of the attendees (20%) were graduate students and early career scientists. More than half of the total of participants had not attended the first joint workshop in 2022.

The agenda featured presentations and guided discussions, with the meeting conducted in a hybrid English/Spanish format to facilitate communication.

The event successfully brought together a diverse group of scientists to collaborate on advancing our understanding of geohazards in the Chilean subduction zone.

Transportation, lodging, and meals for all invited participants were covered by the SZ4D Initiative.


Cristian Farías (Co-Chair), Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile

Diana Roman (Co-Chair), Carnegie Institution for Science, USA

Laura Bono, SERNAGEOMIN, Chile

Anaïs Férot, SZ4D Managing Director, UC Santa Cruz, USA

Ignacio Sepulveda, San Diego State University, USA

Alejandra Serey, Universidad de O’Higgins, Chile

Andrés Tassara, Universidad de Concepción, Chile

Doug Wiens, Washington University in St. Louis, USA


DAY 1 | Early Career Symposium
EC Symposium Agenda
Download PDF • 115KB

Introductory Remarks | Ignacio Sepulveda & Valeria Cortes-Rivas

Funding opportunities

Meeting participants engaging in networking activities during the Early Career Symposium part of the meeting (credit: Anaïs Férot, SZ4D)

DAY 1 | Meeting
2023 Termas Meeting Meeting Package
Download PDF • 4.37MB

SESSION 1: Plenary - Welcome & Introduction

SESSION 2: Plenary - Survey Results & Discussion 

Panel composed of representatives from Chilean and US Agencies (from left to right: Gonzalo Arenas, International Affairs,Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation; Lt. Matías Sifón, Oceanography Department. Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean Navy (SHOA); Alvaro Hormazabal, Director Nacional, SENAPRED;Alejandra Avila, Subdirectora Nacional de Geología, SERNAGEOMIN; Shelby Walker, National Science Foundation) (credit: Anaïs Férot, SZ4D)

DAY 2 | Meeting

SESSION 3: Breakout 1 - MultiArray Location

SESSION 4: Breakout 2 - MultiArray location

Breakout instructions and group assignments | Álvaro Amigo

Meeting co-chair Diana Roman presenting the code of conduct (credit: Anaïs Férot)
DAY 3 | Meeting

SESSION 5: Plenary - Results of Final Survey & Agreement Consensus Recommendation for Geography

SESSION 6: Plenary - Coordination and Collaboration

SESSION 7: Plenary - Final Discussion

Lively discussion between panelists and meeting participants during a Q&A session (credit: Anaïs Férot, SZ4D)

Lightning Talks

Thunder Talks

Key Outcomes

The key outcome of the workshop was a formal consensus recommendation from AndesNet to SZ4D on the optimal geographic location for installing the initiative's instrumental arrays and a list of potential scientific activities beyond the arrays. After a thorough discussion, Chilean and Argentine participants voted in favor of central-southern Chile as the ideal location, with additional consideration for other regions. The workshop also generated a comprehensive list of potential activities, which is currently being refined. The meeting concluded with recommendations for AndesNet to strengthen collaboration and expand its reach. Following the workshop, representatives from AndesNet, SZ4D, NSF, and the US embassy met with the Chilean Minister of Science, Technology, Knowledge, and Innovation to discuss the initiative's scope and potential collaboration, which was met with positive interest and the possibility of securing funding for AndesNet.

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