Workshop Objectives
To seek strategic alignment between Chile, EU, and US SZ4D efforts on the Chilean Subduction Zone
The SZ4D Potsdam Coordination Workshop took place at GFZ, in Potsdam Germany, on June 7-9, 2022. 34 participants from Chile, Germany, and France joined a contingent of SZ4D members to seek strategic alignment between Chile, EU, and US SZ4D efforts on the Chilean Subduction Zone. In particular, in-person and remote presentations, along with discussions took place to help determine the intersections of research questions, and to explore ways to increase funding from EU, Chilean, and US agencies through inter-agency cooperation. The participant list and the meeting agenda are available below.
Emily Brodsky (UCSC, SZ4D)
Claudio Faccenna (GFZ, Potsdam)
Anaïs Férot (UCSC, SZ4D)
George Hilley (Stanford University, SZ4D)
Diana Roman (Carnegie Institution for Science, SZ4D)
Bernd Schurr (GFZ, Potsdam)
Frederik Tilmann (GFZ, Potsdam)
Harold Tobin (University of Washington, SZ4D)
Thomas Walter (GFZ, Potsdam)
Meeting objectives & Code of Conduct | Claudio Faccenna (GFZ, Potsdam)
Introduction | Emily Brodsky (UCSC, Chair, SZ4D Executive Committee)
Chile meeting debrief | Sergio Barrientos (NSC, U Chile), Alvaro Amigo (SERNAGEOMIN)
Current and planned Chilean research efforts | Andrés Tassara (U de Concepción)
Summary of IPOC activities | Bernd Schurr, Frederik Tillmann, Christophe Vigny, Heidrun Kopp, Thomas Walter, Pia Victor, Dirk Scherler
ERC Project Overview: DEEPtrigger | Anne Socquet (ISTerre, Grenoble)
ERC Project Overview: ABYSS | Diane Rivet (Geoazur, Nice)
Millenium Institute on Volcanic Risk Research Ckelar Volcanes | Felipe Aguilera and Pablo Salazar
A new instrument : Long Base Tiltmeter | Christophe Vigny
The Chilean Network for Volcano Surveillance (RNVV): Monitoring and hazard assessments | Alvaro Amigo
StRATEGy: Surface processes, Tectonics and Georesources: The Andean foreland basin of Argentina | Judith Bott and Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth
Breakout Reports & Workshop Recommendations
Workshop Documents
This event was sponsored by the National Science Foundation (SZ4D RCN, under grant EAR-1828096