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SZ4Grads Dec 2022

by the SZ4Grads Executive Committee

Dec 15, 2022

A network for graduate students and graduates, working on subduction zones

Hello everyone!

If you haven’t heard of us yet: SZ4Grads is a collaborative, interdisciplinary, and intercultural network for grad students* and recent graduates** studying subduction zone processes under the umbrella of SZ4D. To achieve our goals, we are working on webinars that highlight SZ4Grads work, organizing mentorship programs and skill development opportunities, working on guaranteeing and supporting SZ4Grads representation in SZ4D committees, and much more.

In the last community meeting in Houston, we brought our goals to the table and expressed the importance of supporting early careers. It was also great to engage with grad students and graduates at the SZ4Grads’ poster, hear all your amazing ideas and see the energy that this awesome community has. Thank you!

We are happy to announce that we are starting a webinar series on December 6, 2022. If you are interested in presenting/attending the webinar or want to be highlighted in our social media, please click the link at the bottom. 

We also want to encourage you to join us in the next activities at AGU (an SZ4Grads mixer and SZ4D’s Town Hall) and IAVCEI. If you want to receive updates and join the SZ4Grad’s slack click the link.

SZ4Grads executive committee

Tamara Aranguiz (U. Washington)

Jade Bowers (Boise State U.)

Emilie Bowman (U. of Arizona)

Emma Burkett (U. New Hampshire)

Valeria Cortes-Rivas (Northern Arizona U.)

Behnaz Hosseini (Montana State U.)

Nate Klema (U. Oregon)

Aubrey LaPlante (Northern Arizona U.)

Michael Murphy (New Mexico State U.)

Fan Wang (Michigan State U.)

*Para estudiantes de chilenxs, tambien incluimos estudiantes de pregrado.

**Post-docs or non-faculty researchers <5 years from terminal degree. 

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