by Anaïs Férot (SZ4D Managing Director)
Mar 22, 2024
SZ4D hosted two mini-workshops at the AGU Fall Meeting
SZ4D hosted two mini-workshops the Sunday before the 2023 AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco. SZ4D Mini-Workshops offer excellent opportunities to jump-start science discussions and coordinate collaborative efforts focusing on the science questions laid out in the Implementation Plan. The two half-day mini-workshops were open and free to all. The workshops were well attended with 40 participants on Sunday morning and over 80 in the afternoon. All presentations and meeting reports are available on the SZ4D website.
We would love to hear from you. Please email us if you have any questions or input you would like to share. Stay tuned for more community events!
Prioritizing Community Efforts on Arc Magmatism in Cascadia and the Aleutians
Organizers: Geoff Abers (Cornell University), Ben Black (Rutgers University), Adam Kent (Oregon State University), Madison Myers (Montana State University), Mike Poland (US Geological Survey), John Power (US Geological Survey), Kevin Ward (South Dakota School of Mines and Technology)
This workshop aimed to bring together scientists interested in the Magmatic Drivers of Eruptions (MDE) to push forward ideas for activities to be pursued in Cascadia and the Aleutians. Starting with background information on SZ4D, MDE activities already proposed, and current state of both arcs, the participants then answered a series of questions to gauge what they were most excited about…
Working Together to Advance Subduction Zone Science within SZ4D and the USGS
Organizers: Joan Gomberg, Erin Wirth, Janet Watt, & alex grant (U.S. Geological Survey), Mike Brudzinski (Miami University), and Magali Billen (University of California Davis)
The workshop, co-sponsored by the US Geological Survey, focused on developing prioritized recommendations to SZ4D and USGS leadership. Recommendations highlight collaborative goals and activities relevant to integrated subduction zone science and hazards in Alaska and Cascadia, and their comparisons and complementarity to those in Chile…