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Technical Advancements in Experimental Rock Deformation

by Melodie French, Caroline Seyler, Srisharan Shreedharan, Heather Savage, Phil Skemer

Sep 20, 2022

A workshop on the technical needs of the SZ4D experimental rock deformation community

From August 12-13 in Portland, ME, SZ4D held a workshop on the technical needs of the experimental rock deformation community to address the driving science questions. The workshop followed the Gordon Research Conference on Rock Deformation and brought together forty scientists, approximately half of whom were Early Career Researchers. The need for data from the experimental rock deformation community appears in the three Working Group chapters (Faulting and Earthquake Cycles, Magmatic Drivers of Eruption, and Landscapes and Seascapes) and the Cross-Cutting Themes chapter of the SZ4D Implementation Plan. The workshop format consisted of a series of breakout conversations and discussions that aimed to identify and prioritize the specific data needed from the rock deformation community to answer the science questions of all three Working Groups, and to then distinguish between the high priority data we already have the technical capabilities to collect and the data that requires new capabilities to collect. The group identified which technical capabilities require community resources and investments and discussed models for achieving these technical needs. A report from this workshop is forthcoming and will highlight critical data needs and present a plan for developing experimental rock deformation capabilities and resources in SZ4D.

> Visit the workshop webpage

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